Holistic Skin Therapies
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a healing technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Traditionally it was used as a therapeutic aid and used along side Acupuncture to treat pain in the body. It was referred to as scraping, coining or spooning. The body area of concern would be lubricated and vigorously scraped in one direction to relieve pain, stiffness, fever chills, cough, wheeze, nausea, vomiting, etc. This instrument assisted practice of unidirectional press stoking using bone was used to break down tissue blockages, stagnation and release toxins producing petechiae. This transitory effect was noted as having an anti-inflammatory and immune protective effect .
Facial Gua Sha as we know it today, on the contrary, lends to a more gentle approach as we focus specifically on lymphatic drainage and creating space and fluidity within the tissues. With gentle pressure we encourage the movement of excess fluid from the skin, clearing away stagnation in the way of metabolic waste which reduces inflammation (acne, pigmentation, rosacea). We also stimulate cell activity through increased blood flow providing a more nourished environment for the skin tissues to thrive availing to a more awakened, plump skin.
In addition, by applying slightly greater pressure, we can untangle tension by addressing tight fascial adhesions ( deep lines and wrinkles) to soften them and encourage the tissue to rest in their natural space allowing for a softer facial silhouette.
This practice as external as it is, has many internal benefits. Firstly it must be noted that this ritual is extremely relaxing and that in itself IS antiaging and stress reducing. However, it also helps to strengthen the immune system and release sinus congestion .
On a deeper level, it also provides one an opportunity or invitation to go inwards to feel into where they may be “stuck” or stagnant in their life’s journey .
Kansa in Ayurvedic Body work means bronze. It is humanities first metal alloy.
This massage tool is comprised of copper and tin and other trace minerals and metals. It is regarded in India as the “healing metal” as it has a powerful and healing affect on the body.
Ancient healers knew of the unseen subtle energy systems within the body just as the Chinese discovered a meridian network of vital energy or acupressure/acupuncture points, as did in the Ayurvedic framework. These energy points were seen as marmas as discovered on the Chakra grid . It was noted that these unseen networks of electro-magnetic energy are affected by this metal called Kansa. Why? Because this metal alloy is known to be the fastest conductor of electromagnetism.
So what does that do for the skin?
Due to this high electrical conductivity, it works cohesively with the body’s own subtle electric field and piezoelectricity that runs in the collagen and fascia layer of the skin thus creating a lifting effect on the skin as well as pain management on the body. Additionally, when used on the surface of the skin, it draws out heat, acidity, inflammation and toxins from the tissues.
Additionally, the copper in this metal is energizing, grounding, activates prana (qi or life-force) removing blockages (via the marma points), for healing and is also antimicrobial and antibacterial.
This treatment protocol focuses on the energy centers, marmas of the face; activating those centers will impart deep relaxation and calming of the nervous system and the mind as well as lifting, toning, tightening the skin, reducing puffiness, fine lines and redness from the eyes . It also helps to move stagnant lymph, plump out wrinkles and improve blood circulation in the skin .
On the body, this tool is amazing for relieving mild muscle aches and pain and also helps to relieve tired feet.
Facial Cupping
Facial Cupping is yet another modality that has long deep roots in history going back as far as the Sun Dynasty.
Women throughout the EU and spanning to Asia have been using this modality of facial rejuvenation as a wellness and beauty method for many generations.
Facial cupping therapy is a used to move stagnant lymph, tighten slack skin, reduce redness and smooth out the appearance of wrinkles.
By working on the skin we can improve circulation, dehydration, scar tissue as we stimulate fibroblasts to increase collagen production, hence increasing elasticity!
The effects of this treatment on tight facial muscles is also beneficial as it helps to reduce tension and tightness allowing for increased fluidity and space within the tissues for lymph to move and drain away freely.
This treatment is also excellent for dry and lackluster skins as it stimulates the diffusion of nutrients through blood flow and lymph, the oil secretions even out and skin detoxifies. However, on the contrary it helps to also regulate oilier, sensitive skins by clearing out congestion through proper drainage of toxins.
Therapeutically, cupping can greatly assist people who suffer from TMJ, migraines, sinus infections/congestion, weak immune systems, Bells Palsy and adrenal fatigue.
Note: This treatment does not in anyway cure or replace any other medical interventions, however, it does help to alleviate symptoms associated with aforementioned conditions.